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the generations of the future

How you're helping our future generations

​​The unfortunate reality is that there is no minimum standard or benchmark for school resources in Canada. Government regulation, Provincial-level oversight, collective agreements, or localized school board directives, ultimately result is a system with no minimum standard when it comes to support at a local school level. Often, students that require extra help don't get it with the number one reason given for not providing the help is a lack of funding and resources. With your help, we can work towards a future where how much money a school district has, doesn't determine the level of education our children receive.


Your membership to Funding for Schools allows schools to fill the gaps in our children's education that appear when money is tight. That includes more support to address the mental health crisis and special needs requirements in today's education system. At their discretion, schools can use the funding for any number of improvements, including:


- Equipment and support for special needs children.

- Staffing and resources to address the growing issue of depression and anxiety in children.

- Infrastructure purchases and upgrades like portables or new playground equipment.

- Building modifications for improved accessibility for physically impaired students, staff and visitors.

- Expanded 'brown bag' school lunch programs.

- Seed funding for other fundraising activities.

- Extra curricular excursions and field trips.

- Technology purchases and upgrades.

- Additional school bus routes.

- Hiring more support staff such as Education Assistants, Speech Language Pathologists and counsellors,

- Financial support programs for staff and students.

- Scholarships


There's really no limit to the education potential our children can receive when funding is removed as a barrier to a quality education. Your membership with Funding For Schools directly improves the education of children in public schools across Canada.

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