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Partnered with top education & technology leaders and listening to parent, teachers, and student needs, Lenovo is building smarter technology for the modern learner and educator. Lenovo powers the present and inspires the future.

Education is undergoing a major transformation as educators  partner with IT professionals to revamp systems, so that school-age  students and lifelong learners are better prepared for the digital  economy.

“Education is a human right,” noted influential former UN  Secretary General Kofi Annan, “with immense power to transform.” But  education is itself undergoing a massive transformation.

And that’s a good thing, because the world it prepares us for has changed dramatically.

With the help of smarter technology, educators and their IT  departments are rebuilding the systems that prepare us to engage with  the world, revamping education to prepare everyone, throughout their  lives, to participate in our digital economy.

Lenovo is driving this revolution. We’re the world’s leading provider  of education technology and our solutions are helping transform  static educational systems into dynamic environments for lifelong learning. We co-innovate with other industry leaders like Intel®, Microsoft and Google to deliver smarter outcomes.

The systems we build make it possible for educators to empower  learners everywhere. They provide immersive, personalized, and flexible  learning environments, giving educators and learners the ability to  collaborate seamlessly and securely—no matter where they are.

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