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If you know of a great organization, service or person that specializes in child and youth mental health issues, but they're not on our list, please send us their details to so that others may benefit.
British Columbia
Phone numbers
Suicide Crisis
Mental Health issue
Aboriginal crisis line
Drug and Poison Control
Helpline for Children
Kid's Help Phone
1 800 784-2433
1 800 588-8717
1 800 567-8911
1 800 668-6868
Useful links
Mental health and substance use service
Here to Help mental health information
Foundry BC
Child and Youth Mental Health services
Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre
Autism Society of BC
British Columbia Pediatric Society
Canadian Mental Health Association
BC Children's Hospital
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
Services for British Columbia First Nations
Hope for Wellness
Indian Residential School Crisis Line
Kuu-Us Crisis Line Society
Metis Crisis Line
Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
Mental Health and Wellness Counselling
1 855 242-3310
1 866 925-4419
250 723-2040
1 833 638-4722
1 888 403-3123
1 855 550-5454
Tools & Apps
An online game dealing with stress.
Launch your worries away with this online game.
Access to counsellors for iPhone and Android.
E-counselling tools for iPhone and Android.
Panic and anxiety relief app.
Stress Management app. Use code "XXQTGPUE".
Peer-support and self-help app.
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